How To Get More Website Traffic

Social Media Marketing Localtized How To Get More Website Traffic

As you can see above in the huge spikes in traffic on our site Localtized. How did we get such huge spikes of traffic literally over night? We created a strategic plan on what are the best places to get traffic for my site and the different ways to get more traffic.

Laying Out Your Traffic Strategy

The first step is to discover the best places you are going to target for your traffic. Great places to target are Search Engines, Social Media Sites, and other websites that are related to your niche or business. If you have a business then Social Media is a really good place to start. For example Localtized targets other business owners so we spend more time targeting places like LinkedIn and other business sites.

We also started a Search Engine campaign to target more keywords that would target phrases that would most likely bring the targeted traffic we need. First step we did our market research. Discovering the best keywords using Google’s Keyword Tool.

After you select the best keywords then it’s time for On page and Off page SEO. On page SEO is optimizing your website with your selected keywords using them in the title, description, meta, and in the content of your website. It’s also a good Idea to keyword optimize all the images on your website and make sure your website loads quickly.

Off page SEO mostly consists of getting a link back to your site from other websites. This is called link building. Another important thing to take note of is to use a hyperlink with your keyword as your link. For instance if I am targeting Local Business Marketing I would use that as the link on other sites to link to mine. The best way to think about links is popularity votes. The more you have the better chances you have to rank on the first pages for your selected keywords.

Free Evaluation Of Your Website

At Localtized we decided to give potential customers a free evaluation and full marketing plan. This is a $497 offer. What we will do is get to know and understand your business and what you offer. We analize what your doing right now on the internet and show you how you can take it to the next level. We will also analize your competition and show you how you can beat them icon smile How To Get More Website Traffic

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How To Get More Website Traffic

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